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Fill out your information below

Media Waiver:

I hereby grant and give to MWPOM the right to use, and to permit others to use, photographs, voice or images on a videotape or other sound and or visual recording device, with or without my or my child’s name, both singly and in conjunction with other persons or objects, for any and all purposes including, but not limited to, private or public presentations on radio, television, or in public places, and advertising, publicity and promotion relating thereto. I warrant that I have the right to authorize the foregoing uses, and do hereby agree to hold MWPOM harmless of and from any and all liability of whatever nature which may arise out of or result from such uses. I waive all claims for compensation for such damages.

Privacy & Liability Waiver:

The purpose of this Acknowledgment and Waiver is to allow me to participate in the functions and activities of MetroWest Parents of Multiples, a Chapter of the Massachusetts Mothers of Twins Association. (“MWPOM”). I hereby acknowledge that my name, address, telephone number, email address, and birth years of my children will be saved to MWPOM Member List. The purpose of the Member List is to facilitate communications among members, it is not public knowledge and accessible only by site admins. I hereby acknowledge and agree that I am fully responsible for the safety and behavior of myself, each member of my family and guests accompanying me or my family at any and all MWPOM club functions, meetings, sales, programs or other events (collectively “Club Events”). I hereby expressly waive all claims which may arise on my behalf or on behalf of any of my family members as against MWPOM, its officers, directors, members or agents for any and all claims for liabilities, damages, losses, or costs of any kind which might arise based on a MWPOM Club Event, including claims based on negligence. I recognize that MWPOM is a volunteer, not-for-profit organization and therefore waivers such as this are necessary to enable the organization to conduct its activities.

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